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Phenethylamines Visualizza tutti i prodotti


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Phenethylamine Description

Phenethylamine belongs to a class of chemicals known as substituted Phenethylamines. The class consists of around 70+ compounds that cover a wide range of activities and applications and are known to be hallucinogens, appetite suppressants, central nervous system stimulants, antidepressants, entactogens, nasal decongestants and bronchodilators, vasopressors, and antiparkinsonian agents, among others.

Characteristic compounds include FMA, DOC, and MAPB, with the nominal structure consisting of a phenyl ring, amino acid, or other functional group paired with a specific number of hydrogen atoms to create all derivative compounds.

The chemical class also contains many endogenous hormones, enzymes, and proteins that are naturally present in the body. No two compounds within the class have the same mechanism of action, although most interact with the central nervous system and split into individual pathways.

Phenethylamines can be purchased online from the RealChems website at competitive prices for Laboratory use and Research Purposes.

Phenethylamine Specifications

Phenethylamines are available for purchase from the RealChems online store in the form of pellets and powders. Most compounds present within the chemical class are recognized as neurotransmitters or psychedelic agents that interact with the serotonin, dopamine, and tryptophan pathways of the human body. For research purposes, the chemicals within the class can be investigated for their therapeutic effects on psychological and enzymatic disorders. Some of the agents are proven to be effective for the treatment of depression, anxiety, and other neurological degenerative diseases as Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s.

The compounds present within the class are also known to have psychoactive properties and can act as hallucinogens ranging in strength from mild to very potent.

The chemicals are also known to be effective for treating allergic reactions and respiratory conditions in some cases, with supporting data available.

Phenethylamine Safety Information

Our Phenethylamine products are intended for laboratory use and research purposes only. These chemicals are not graded safe for human consumption. The company shall bear no responsibility or liability for the misuse of these chemicals by the end-user.

Mislabeling of the research chemicals to include standard dosages for human consumption is not approved and is highly discouraged.

As a customer, you are required to check and confirm the legal status of the purchased products in your country and area of residence. The company bears no responsibility for any consequences that may arise through the purchase of chemicals restricted in your country of residence.

Phenethylamine Guidelines and Disclaimer

You can purchase Phenethylamine compounds online from the RealChems website. Please refer to the following FAQ’s for detailed information:

You may conveniently order Phenethylamines for research from the RealChems website through a simple eCommerce platform.

We accept multiple payment methods, including Mastercard, Visa, and Bitcoin. All costs are equated to the value of Euros. In the case of cryptocurrencies, fluctuations in the value of specific currencies may affect your purchase’s total cost.

Orders are dispatched as soon as payment is processed. If payments are received before 12:30 p.m. Central European Time, the orders will be dispatched on the same day.

Products are shipped from the Netherlands, Monday through Friday.

We ship our products globally except for the UK, USA, and Austria, where the shipment of research chemicals is not available. The delivery of CBD and other natural products is otherwise supported to these countries as well.

Due to the nature of the products available on the website, returns are not supported.

Shipping charges may vary based on the destination for delivery. You may select a delivery method on the checkout page according to your preferences. Certain promotional deals are also applicable at the time of checkout and may be automatically assigned to your order.

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